Subrata Bysack, APSA, GMPSA/P, EFIAP/p, GPU CR 5, GPU VIP5
Honorary Member of South Kolkata Photogenic since 2020
Subrata Bysack is a photo artist by passion and a faculty member for the photographic courses conducted by Club Chhayapath, Calcutta for more than 25 years. He is a successful people photographer with experience as a cinematographer in documentary films. He is presently PSA Country Liaison Officer for India, Asst. Director for Volunteer Services of PSA, worldwide and Moderator of PSA Facebook Image Competition page. He achieved APSA, GMPSA/P and EFIAP/p in the same year 2020 being the only person in the world to do so and he took just 7 years to achieve both and the 7th person in the world to get GMPSA/P and 1st in India. He is also the 13th person in PSA to be designated as Master Photo Journalist. He is the 2nd person in the world to achieve the highest distinction of GPU Crown 5 and GPU VIP 5 from Global Photographic Union, Greece in 2019.
He received more than 16000 international acceptances from 87 countries with over 3000 titles and got more than 1000 awards from 55 countries with over 400 titles. His photographs were exhibited and in collection in several countries. He visited different countries as guest of honor and was the only Indian representative in several Photographic events organized in China, UK, Greece, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. He also received numerous honorary distinctions from various countries like, Cyprus, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Romania, USA and India. . He has a wide judging experience and served as a Jury in more than 250 different international, national and local photographic competitions in India and aboard like USA, China, Iran, Russia, Ireland, Cyprus, Nepal and Sri Lanka.
Sri Subrata Bysack successfully completed his EFAP/Diamond 1 in the year 2021.